Maths Week

Maths Week

The boys and girls were busy exploring maths all around them this week as part of Maths Week. The children took part in maths trials based in their homes, classrooms and around our school grounds, as well as completing lots of fun maths activities and quizzes throughout the week. They have all discovered that maths is all around them in their everyday lives and how important maths is in their daily lives.

Maths WeekMaths WeekMaths WeekMaths WeekMaths WeekMaths WeekMaths WeekMaths WeekMaths WeekMaths WeekMaths WeekMaths WeekMaths WeekMaths WeekMaths WeekMaths WeekMaths WeekMaths WeekMaths WeekMaths WeekMaths WeekMaths WeekMaths WeekMaths Week
Mullymagowan, Corlurgan, Co. Cavan, H12F786.
049 436 1718
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