Coding with Virgina Rural Hub

Coding with Virgina Rural Hub

A huge thank you to Virginia Rural Hub who spent an afternoon recently with 5th and 6th Class, exploring coding with the boys and girls. They all learned so much from the workshop and really enjoyed learning about coding through the online programme Blockly Games. They had great fun trying to solve the maze puzzles, with some managing to get to the top level! We definitely have some future coders in the making!

The teachers also had some great continuous professional development sessions with the Virginia Rural Hub which will allow us to engage in coding with our classes.

Coding with Virgina Rural HubCoding with Virgina Rural HubCoding with Virgina Rural HubCoding with Virgina Rural HubCoding with Virgina Rural HubCoding with Virgina Rural HubCoding with Virgina Rural HubCoding with Virgina Rural HubCoding with Virgina Rural HubCoding with Virgina Rural HubCoding with Virgina Rural Hub
Mullymagowan, Corlurgan, Co. Cavan, H12F786.
049 436 1718
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